Pet Sitting (At your location) Our pet sitter will perform standard care requests within that time i.e. brushing, playing, feeding, administering meds and cuddles as needed! Number of pets does not matter.
30 mins - $20
45 mins- $25
1hr: $39
24hrs: $90
Add Nail Clipping (cats only): $10/cat
Off Site Pet Sitting (At Claws and Paws Paradise) Our pet sitter offers off site care in my home for 1 pet (pls add 10% for an extra pet). If more time is needed, please send an email or call for a quote. Will perform standard care requests within that time i.e.
brushing, playing, feeding, administering meds, walking and lots of cuddles as needed!
24hrs: $90
48hrs: $150
Add Nail Clipping (cats only): $10/cat